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A Saab legacy spanning generations

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星际网赌导航全球 has a history extending over 400 years, serving customers in more than 100 countries, with approximately 17,000 employees across the world.

In 澳大利亚, we're celebrating our 35th year.

Did you know that Saab also extends over multiple generations in one family?

Three generations of the Tykesson family – Per, 马克斯 and 奥斯卡 – have been contributing to Saab’s innovations in the defence and security sector since the 1960’s.

It all began back in the early 1960’s when Per Tykesson joined Saab in Linkoping, Sweden on the Draken 35 fighter jet program. The Saab 35 Draken is a fighter aircraft, equipped with a distinctive double delta wing and was one of the first Western-European-built combat aircraft with true supersonic capability to enter service and the first fully supersonic aircraft to be deployed in Western Europe.


After many years at Saab contributing to the Draken fighter jet program, Per eventually moved into physics research, working in Jönköping and then at Aarhus University in Denmark.

马克斯 Tykesson followed in his father’s footsteps and pursued a career in engineering first in Denmark, before moving to 澳大利亚 in 1989 and eventually joining Saab in 澳大利亚 as a project manager in the Maritime division.

“It’s incredibly coincidental that I joined Saab nearly 30 years after my dad worked there – and now my son, 奥斯卡, is also starting his career with Saab in the graduate program,马克斯说。.

马克斯 works at CS-IPT in Osborne, South 澳大利亚 as the Project Manager for Communications, Underwater Warfare (UWW) and 澳大利亚 Interface (AI).
“Hunter Class Frigates (HCF) is a huge piece of work and I enjoy being part of this important project. 所有 staff are very helpful and supportive and it’s a great team to be part of," says 马克斯.

There is a great sense of achievement at the end of the week

奥斯卡也, was interested in engineering from a young age, eventually studying Computer Science with a major in Cyber 安全 at the Adelaide University. When considering where to begin his professional career, 奥斯卡 chose to apply for Saab’s graduate program and become the third generation in his family to work for Saab.

“I have wanted to be an engineer since I was a kid playing with Legos, and in high school I got very interested in computers,奥斯卡说。.

I ultimately joined Saab because of its strong reputation as an innovator in the defence and security sectors

马克斯 is passionate about investing in the next generation of engineers and providing mentoring, guidance and support not only for the team in the delivery at CS-IPT, but also for 奥斯卡 as he forges a career in engineering.

“My dad has taught me a few important lessons so far. The first is the importance of networking as you never know who you may meet further into your career. The second was getting along with your co-workers, as it doesn’t matter how skilled you are if no one wants to work with you,奥斯卡说。.
As Saab continues to grow its capabilities and workforce, its core mission and values remain the same since the first Tykesson joined in the 1960’s – to deliver solutions with purpose.