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Saab Global

Aerial Firefighting

Saab has a complete aerial firefighting operation, with aircraft, pilots and maintenance organisation. We operate four AT-802F FireBoss.
Forest fire

Key features

Extended operating range
Fast deploy
Fire Retardant Dispersal System

Our aircraft

AT-802F Fire BossData
Water delivery rateUp to 50.000 liters/hour
Tank volume3.104 liters (820 US gallons)
Range1.287 km
Cruise speed275 km/h
Working speed (typical)190-200 km/h
Max take-off weight7.257 kg
Engine power1.600 hk
Wing area37,29 sqm
Take off distance600 m

Keeping people and society safe from the air

近年来毁灭性的野火引发了对有效扑灭重大火灾能力的需求. 及早采取协调一致的空中灭火行动有助于限制火势的扩大, 挽救生命和财产,并限制野火造成的经济损失. Aircraft can access steep, 在地面消防部队能够进入岩石或不安全的地区之前.  


Why we use the AT-802F Fireboss

这架飞机的航程很长,每小时可投放多达5万升水. 由于飞机可以从靠近火场的湖泊和河流中填充油箱,因此即使远离机场肆虐的火灾也可以有效地扑灭.

It is also a question of cost-effectiveness. 对于一架大型飞机的相同购买/操作成本,可以操作许多“火Boss”飞机, 从而提高每投资克朗的能力和业务灵活性.

Fireboss measurements

Computer controlled water drop

The AirTractor has a unique, 计算机控制的水释放系统,称为阻燃差异系统(FRDS). 该系统提供了卓越的一致性、覆盖范围和效率.

When the drop is triggered, FRDS responds instantly, 自动开启和关闭防火门,以毫秒级的计算机精度提供可靠一致的覆盖水平. Because the FRDS automates many calculations and functions, the pilot’s concentration can remain where it should be, on flying the aircraft in challenging flight conditions.

Aerial firefighting explained

How does aerial firefighting work? Join Éder Navacerrada, one of our skilled aviators, 因为他让你深入了解了他那充满火焰和烟雾的戏剧世界. 

Video - 9 minutes

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Forest fire

Did you know...

... 空中拖拉机at802f是最高效、最有效的空中加油机.

  • 从飞机跑道、公路到湖泊、河流和海洋,一切都能运行
  • 从火源附近舀水,不需要耗时的空军基地补给
  • Drops up to 50,000 litres of water per hour
litres of water per hour

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(also regarding disturbance reporting)


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Aerial Firefighting

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