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MCMV 47 and MCMV 52

Mine Counter Measure Vessels (MCMV)

星际网赌导航在水雷对抗船(mcmv)和相关系统方面有几十年的经验. MCMV 47 of the Swedish 土地sort and 科斯特-class, as well as the 新加坡an Bedok class, are well-proven around the world.


一种多用途船只,装备用于猎雷和机械扫雷, and can operate the remotely controlled, autonomous Self-propelled Acoustic-Magnetic (SAM) minesweeping system.
采用复合材料/玻璃纤维增强塑料(GRP)夹层材料制成, which has many benefits to offer, including that it is entirely non-magnetic.

Technical specifications

长度 47,5 m52,5 m
9,6 m10,2 m
吃水 2,3 m2,4 m
速度15节>14 knots
主引擎Four 300 kW diesels四个柴油
螺旋桨Two voith cycloid propellersTwo voith cycloid propellers

Efficient MCM Vessels

自19世纪开发以来,水雷已被证明是一种有用且经济有效的武器. 即使是最先进的战舰也会受到严重威胁, 海军水雷逐渐发展,并包含一系列智能雷管.

今天部署了各种各样的地雷类型,其中许多是非常先进的. 这导致了对革命性和增强的地雷对抗(MCM)系统的新需求.

MCMV 47 Mine explosion
Chocktest. MCMV 47 Mine explosion.
MCMV 52 enhanced 科斯特-class
MCMV 52 enhanced 科斯特-class (artist impression).

Reliable with multi-purpose capabilities

Saab Kockums公司在水雷对抗船(mcmv)和相关系统方面有几十年的经验. MCMV 47 of the Swedish 土地sort and 科斯特-class, as well as the 新加坡an Bedok class, are well-proven around the world.

The role of the Swedish 科斯特-class is primarily mine hunting. Its secondary role is minesweeping. Unlike single-role mine hunters, MCMV 47科斯特级(最初是登陆舰级)被设想为一种多用途船, 能够执行各种水雷战任务,也能参与反潜战(ASW).

The 科斯特-class design is well-proven and extensively verified, with operational experience gained from a multitude of MCM operations, including live mines and underwater explosives. Seven ships of this class have been delivered to the Royal Swedish Navy, and a further four to the Republic of 新加坡 Navy.

MCMV 52 enhanced 科斯特-class

MCMV 52增强型科斯特-class是基于现有的和经过验证的MCMV 47 科斯特-class, which is currently in operation with the Royal Swedish Navy. This enhanced version
has been engineered to meet more demanding customer requirements.

MCMV 52 koster级的主要改进包括将总长度(LOA)延长5米,达到52米.5 m. This creates more space for crew and systems, and improves sea-keeping and ensures a growth margin for the future. MCMV 52科斯特级将保留经过验证的MCMV 47科斯特级的基本船体线条.

Designed for a variety of mine warfare missions

Due to the wide variety of mine warfare missions, 在MCMV 47科斯特级和MCMV 52增强型科斯特级的设计中考虑了许多具体要求.

Some of these requirements are:

  • High resistance to underwater explosion shocks
  • 低的签名
  • Excellent manoeuvrability
  • Full nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) protection
  • Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
  • Spacious accommodation and ample supplies for extended missions


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Information in pdf-format

MCMV leaflet in pdf for view or download:
23 September 2020